This morning I decided to whip up some oatmeal cookies. Usually this would be a simple task, but with my campo oven I could only bake 4 small cookies at a time, greatly lengthening the process. I wanted to bring some tasty treats to give the kids after my first nutrition workshop. Since oatmeal cookies incorporate a whole grain, this was the perfect dulce.
To begin the educational aspect of nutrition, I started with my beloved students in a town up the road. We are currently working together in our Esmeraldas Leyendo Program. They are a great well behaved group, mostly young girls, who are always eager to learn…what more could a teacher ask for? Yes here I am known as profesora, though this is not really my main function, I enjoy teaching and believe the greatest possibility for community engagement and betterment is through young people. Today we worked on the three main food groups using the analogy of our body as a house. A house needs energy, protection and to be constructed just like
our bodies. In our bodies our proteins construct our bodies, the carbohydrates, fats and sugars provide energy and the fruits and vegetables give us protection. The kids then divided pictures of foods into each of the three categories to enforce their understanding. So today we started with the basics but fundamentals.
Kid Approval Oatmeal Cookies: Approved
*** (my 5 year old judge offered his dad some of the cookie, which means he wasn’t enthralled by it) Though the others seemed to like them.
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